Should Teens See a General or Pediatric Dentist?

Some parents in the Dallas area bring their child to a pediatric dentist. Others use a general or family dentist for every member of their household. What’s the difference between a pediatric dentist and a general dentist? Pediatric dentists have specialized training to treat infants, young children, and adolescents. They use special dental tools created […]

New Protein For Dental Implant Patients

Countless people have replaced missing teeth with jaw-bone anchored tooth implants. Unlike a dental bridge, a tooth implant consists of a titanium post inserted into the jaw bone. The bone meshes with the post to create a strong base for the natural-looking prosthetic tooth and crown that attaches to the post. Dental implants are usually […]

Getting a Dental Implant May Not Take as Long as You Think

Think you don’t have time to beautify your smile? It may not take as long as you think. How many visits does it take to get dental implants? Each patient is different. But in most cases, complete implant procedures take fewer visits than they used to. The team at The Lewisville Dentist can restore missing […]

Let’s Work Together To Keep Your Smile Healthy And Beautiful

Here at The Lewisville Dentist we approach all your oral care needs from two separate angles—what we can do in our office and what you can do at home. For example, tooth whitening and correcting discoloration can be treated in our office or at home. Here in the office there are safe and effective methods […]

The 411 on TMJ

Do you have unexplained pain or clicking sounds in your jaw? They can be the result of a serious jaw condition. Some problems with the jaw and the muscles that control it are known as temporomandibular disorders (TMD). But it’s also also called TMJ, because that’s the acronym for the name of the joint. Technically, […]

Go Back In Time

So you’ve lost some teeth and now hesitate to smile because of the gaps. If only you could go back in time and recover that full-toothed smile you once had. Guess what? With dental implants, you can! For most patients, a tooth implant is the ideal replacement for both the root and crown of a […]

Healthy Living Starts With A Smile

What comes to mind when you hear the term “healthy living?” A dinner plate with a grilled chicken breast and steamed vegetables? The sound of your feet rhythmically hitting the ground on your favorite jogging footpath? A cholesterol test indicating that your arteries are doing great? If you picture a white, healthy smile or a […]

Overlapping Teeth Can Be Corrected for a Beautiful Smile

At The Lewisville Dentist, we provide innovative cosmetic dentistry. That means we fix all types of smile shortcomings. Overlapping teeth are fairly common. And while many men and women don’t mind a slight overlap, others feel self-conscious and would like it corrected. What causes teeth to overlap? Genetics or thumbsucking as a toddler can bring […]

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Do I Need A Dental Cleaning If I Brush And Floss At Home?

Today’s post focuses on professional dental cleanings. You might wonder if you need a professional dental cleaning if you already practice dental hygiene daily at home. The answer is that both processes are critical because they work in tandem to maintain oral health. Dr. Jessfor Baugh encourages patients to practice preventative dentistry by: Brushing Flossing […]