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Your Smile Says Keep Trying!

gentle dentist Lewisville

Today’s article is for men and women who are frustrated because they haven’t been successful at making some changes that will benefit their oral health. We want to urge you to keep trying and assure you that the team of dental professionals at The Lewisville Dentist is eager to help.

Keep Trying To Floss

Many individuals are vigilant about brushing and believe that it makes up for lack of flossing. This is a misconception. Flossing is the only way to clean food debris and plaque from the gumline. Failure to floss can lead to periodontal disease which can, in turn, bring about tooth loss. We encourage everyone to make it a habit to floss properly every day. If you are not sure how to floss correctly, any one of the personable dental hygienists at The Lewisville Dentist would be excited to teach you. (They’re the pros!) Call 469-708-4713 to schedule a professional dental cleaning a review on flossing.

Keep Trying to Overcome Dental Anxiety

Skipping dental checkups can have harmful, and in some cases, irreversible oral health consequences. Severe decay or delayed diagnosis of oral cancer are two potential dangers. If you are afraid of going to the dentist, you are not alone. This psychological disorder affects a significant portion of the population. Fortunately, there are many ways to manage this condition so you can undergo an exam and any needed care. Talk to Dr. Baugh if you or a family member suffers from dental anxiety. The Lewisville Dentist provides oral sedation and other help for anxious patients.

Keep Trying to Quit Tobacco

Smoking is just as dangerous for your teeth and gums as it is for other parts of your body. If you’ve tried unsuccessfully to stop the practice, it’s clear that you value your health and want to lower your risk for all the issues caused or exacerbated by smoking, chewing, or vaping.

Many smokers do not conquer the habit the first time. But there’s hope! According to the CDC, there are now more former smokers than current users. Each of those former smokers was once right where you are. Keep trying!

Sometimes a little help can make all the difference. Call The Lewisville Dentist at 469-708-4713 to schedule an appointment.

The Health Consequences of Smoking—50 Years of Progress: A Report of the Surgeon General.” U.S. Department of Health and Human Services., Atlanta: U.S. Department of Health and Human Services, Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, National Center for Chronic Disease Prevention and Health Promotion, Office on Smoking and Health, 2014, accessed June 13, 2017

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