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Smile Bright: The Power of Two Dental Cleanings a Year

When was the last time you visited your dentist? If it’s been more than six months, it’s time to schedule an appointment with the Lewisville Dentist! You might think that brushing and flossing at home is enough to keep your teeth healthy, but regular professional cleanings play a crucial role in maintaining your oral health. […]

Understanding Root Canals: A Guide for Dental Patients

At the Lewisville Dentist, we understand that some procedures can be more intimidating than others. Today, we’re diving into a topic that often raises questions and concerns among our patients: root canals. Whether you’ve been told you need one or you’re just curious, we’re here to clear up any confusion and provide you with the […]

Who Are Good Candidates for Sedation Dentistry?

Are you feeling anxious or fearful about visiting the dentist? The Lewisville Dentist wants you to know that you’re not alone. Dental anxiety affects millions of people, preventing them from seeking essential oral care. Fortunately, sedation dentistry offers a solution, providing a safe and effective way to help patients relax during dental procedures. But who […]

The Comforting Dawn: A Guide to Conquering Dental Anxiety with Sedation Dentistry

For many, the thought of a dental visit conjures up a symphony of fears: from the sound of drills to the anticipated discomfort. These anxieties can range from mild unease to severe phobia, yet they hold back millions from accessing vital dental care. At the Lewisville Dentist, patient comfort is our top priority. In this […]

Are Floss Picks As Good As Regular Dental Floss?

Are floss picks as good as regular floss? Floss picks vs regular floss? While it’s better to floss with a floss pick than to not floss at all, it’s important to note that floss picks can only clean a part of the tooth’s surface. Dr. Baugh recommends traditional floss or dental tape. Here’s why: A […]

Poor Quality Sleep is Linked to Weight Gain

Did you know that poor quality sleep can affect your ability to maintain a healthy weight? There is a direct connection between weight, health, and quality of sleep. Changes in Brain Chemistry The National Institutes of Health (NIH) reported on a study that measured the molecular ties between restless sleep and weight gain. Researchers found that low […]

Childhood Tooth Decay is Widespread in Texas. But it Doesn’t Have To Be.

Prevent Childhood Tooth Decay Our society has successfully eradicated many childhood diseases, but tooth decay is still far to0 common. This is from the CDC: Cavities (also known as caries or tooth decay) are one of the most common chronic diseases of childhood in the United States. Untreated cavities can cause pain and infections that […]

Pediatric Dental Excellence In Lewisville

At The Lewisville Dentist, we are proud of our reputation for excellence in pediatric dentistry. If you are researching pediatric dentists in Lewisville, we invite you to visit us at 297 E Round Grove Rd Suite 127. We Love Children! We create a pleasant dental experience for our patients at The Lewisville Dentist. We want […]

No Cavities? Thank Your Parents

The Lewisville Dentist, we stay abreast of new discoveries in the exciting field of dentistry and occasionally share interesting facts with our patients. Today’s post focuses on new findings in an intriguing field of research: genetic dentistry. “About 60% of the risk for tooth decay appears to be due to genetic factors.” Mary L. Marazita, […]