A Missing Tooth Can Lead to Bone Loss

Today’s article focuses on missing teeth and bone health. Our teeth have many important functions. We need them to chew our food, talk, and smile. But have you ever considered their role in holding up your face? When we lose teeth, the bone around the site of the extraction begins to shrink. This, in turn, […]

Think Before You Pierce

If you are considering puncturing your lip or tongue, this post is for you. Please consider the following: Infection Your mouth is full of bacteria. Any opening in the tissue carries the risk of infection. The germs from your tongue and mouth can easily get into your bloodstream. Dentists and doctors are continually treating severe […]

The Five Stages of a Cavity in Lewisville TX

You may have heard that once tooth enamel is eroded, it’s gone forever. This is partially true, but in the earliest stage of enamel erosion, a cavity can be reversed. Reverse a cavity before it needs a filling If you can prohibit cavities in youngsters, there’s a better chance that their teeth can stay healthy […]

Are There Drawbacks to Dental Implants?

Are dental implant procedures too expensive? Are dental implants unsafe? Are dental implants experimental? Is the surgery painful? Does it take a long time to recover? The answer to all of these is No. Let’s talk about it. Dental implants are an investment in a better quality of life Dental implants aren’t cheap. We understand […]

Should I Worry About My Snoring?

Snoring isn’t just an annoyance. It can have significant health consequences. What is Snoring? Snoring is caused by an obstruction that restricts the flow of air in the throat. The obstruction can be caused by: Poor muscle tone in the throat and tongue—when muscles relax they can collapse onto the airway. Alcohol use and sleeping […]

The Correlation Between Gum Disease and Alheizmer’s Disease

GingipAIN Inhibitor for Treatment of Alzheimer’s Disease (GAIN) Trial is based on a body of scientific evidence that P. gingivalis, bacteria which is most associated with degenerative gum disease, can also affect the brain and possibly lead to Alzheimer’s disease. This clinical trial determines whether the experimental oral drug Atuzaginstat is 1. safe and 2. […]

Six 10-Second Healthy Tooth Helps

It doesn’t have to take a lot of time to improve your oral hygiene. In fact, you can form a new habit to benefit your oral health in 10 seconds. I’m Dr. Natalie Goodman with The Lewisville Dentist writing to offer my patients 6 ways to add critical dental care to each day in 60 seconds […]

Want To Keep Your Enamel Healthy? Avoid Doing These 11 Things

1. Chewing on hard foods We’re looking at you Beef jerky and hard or stale bread. 2. Chewing on hard items This includes fingernails, pencils, pen caps, and ice. 3. Grinding your teeth If you grind your teeth, discuss it with your dentist. An appliance can safeguard your smile. 4. Eating too much sticky food […]

Trouble Getting Numb For Dental Treatment?

Our bodies work differently. Some dental patients don’t respond to local anesthetics by getting numb. This is understandably concerning when you need dental treatment. (And the word “concerning” may be a huge understatement!) It’s important to recognize that bad experiences in the past don’t guarantee that you will never be able to become numb. At […]

Foaming At The Mouth: Are You Brushing Right?

In today’s post, let’s discuss some specifics about brushing. One key to activating the value of toothpaste is creating foam when correctly brushing. Working up a good foam is achieved by pre-wetting the toothbrush, then attacking at a 45 rather than 90-degree angle. The foaming aids in dislodging food debris from nooks and crannies in […]